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Certification of Anger Management Providers designed to meet the needs of the community.
Certified Providers

Who We Serve:
Individuals & Families
County Courts
HR Departments
Business Owners
Employers & Services
Municipal Courts

Probation Departments



Effective methods for providing court-mandated anger management programs include:

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT): CBT is a widely used approach in anger management programs that focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns and behaviors.

CBT can help individuals develop coping skills, improve communication, and manage stress and anger triggers.


Group therapy: Group therapy can be an effective method for providing court-mandated anger management programs. Group therapy provides a supportive environment where individuals

can learn from each other's experiences and receive feedback and encouragement.

Skills Training:

Anger management programs can include skills training in areas such as communication, problem-solving, and stress management. These skills can help individuals develop healthier coping mechanisms and reduce the likelihood of future violent behavior.

Mindfulness-based interventions: Mindfulness-based interventions such as mindfulness meditation and yoga have been shown to be effective in reducing anger and aggression.

These interventions can help individuals develop greater self-awareness and emotional regulation.

It is important to note that the effectiveness of court-mandated anger management programs depends on various factors, such

as the individual's motivation and willingness to change, the quality of the program, and the support

of the court and probation departments.


Therefore, it is essential to use evidence-based interventions and techniques, conduct thorough assessments, and develop individualized treatment plans

that address clients' specific needs.


The National Association of Anger Management Providers (NAAMP) offers certifications for anger management specialist This program provides training for mental health providers including professional counselors, chaplains, certified coaches, educators, social workers, psychotherapists, psychologists, pastors, social workers, psychiatrists, and those in the area of substance abuse and domestic violence.

The NAMAP - Certified Anger Management Specialist- (CAMS-I, CAMS-II, CAMS-III and CAMS IV) have been developed in response to the increased global call for accessible and effective anger management services and the accompanying need to provide training programs for mental health providers

National Association of Anger Management Providers (NAAMP) is an association that was formed by Harvest Christian University in 2012. NAAMP offers an Anger Management Certificate Program is designed to certify anger management providers for the court systems.


Certified Anger Management Specialist Program has been developed in response to the increased global call for accessible and effective anger management services and the accompanying need to provide training programs for mental health providers including professional counselors, chaplains, certified coaches, educators, social workers, psychotherapists, psychologists, pastors, social workers, and psychiatrists.

The Anger Management Specialist-I Certification is designed to fill this need.  

NAAMP offers a training a 30 hour training program for each level of certification.

The certification program is designed to certify anger management providers for the court systems and businesses. The certification program four levels: CAMS I, CAMS II, CAMS III and CAMS IV. Each level enables the CAM to work in different areas of anger management.

       The National Association of Anger Management Providers

I. Brief overview of the International Association of Anger Management

  • Providers (NAAMP) and its mission.

  • Explanation of the importance of addressing anger and domestic 

     violence statistics.

II. Anger and Domestic Violence Statistics

  • Presentation of current statistics on anger and domestic violence including:

    • Prevalence rates of anger and domestic violence.

    • Impact of anger and domestic violence on individuals, families, and communities.

    • Costs of anger and domestic violence to society.

III. The Role of Anger Management Providers

  • Explanation of how anger management providers can serve the courts and probation departments including:

    • Providing court-mandated anger management programs to individuals who have been convicted of domestic violence or other offenses related to anger.

    • Collaborating with probation departments to offer anger management services to individuals on probation.

    • Developing and implementing evidence-based anger management programs that address the root causes of anger and violence.


IV. Anger Management Programs and Resources

  • Overview of available anger management programs and resources including:

    • Cognitive-behavioral therapy manuals, such as the Anger Management for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Clients manual.

V. Best Practices for Anger Management Providers

  • Discussion of best practices for anger management providers including:

    • Conducting thorough assessments of clients' needs and risk factors.

    • Developing individualized treatment plans that address clients' specific needs.

    • Using evidence-based interventions and techniques.

    • Collaborating with other professionals, such as mental health providers and probation officers.

VI. Conclusion

  • Recap of the importance of addressing anger and domestic violence statistics.

  • Emphasis on the role of anger management providers in serving the courts and probation departments.

  • Call to action for increased collaboration and innovation in the field of anger management.



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