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What starts here changes the world

Harvest Christian University provides public access to a first-class education and the tools of discovery. This has resulted in a culture of ambition and leadership where physical scale is matched by bold goals and achievements.

Indigenous Academic Perspectives

Academic courses in indigenous education provide an introduction to the study of American Indians from a cultural and academic perspective, emphasizing the development of indigenous knowledge, critical thinking, and analytical skill.

They also offer a larger picture perspective of global indigenous issues and investigate present-day global political, economic, social, and technological issues related to indigenous viewsThese aspects collectively contribute to the rich and diverse landscape of indigenous education, emphasizing holistic learning, cultural preservation, and the integration of traditional knowledge with contemporary academic perspectives.

Teaching and Learning Orientations

  • Indigenous teaching and learning revolve around cultivating human capacities such as listening, observing, and experiencing with all senses, as well as developing intuitive understanding and respecting time-tested traditions of learning.

  • It is predicated on flexibility, viability, and effectiveness, honoring the psychological and transformational process, and facilitating deep levels of learning and understanding.

Foundational Characteristics

  • Indigenous educational processes are characterized by a sacred view of nature, integration, and interconnectedness as universal traits.

Indigenous Academic Perspectives

Indigenous education differs from traditional education in several key aspects:

It is predicated on flexibility, viability, and effectiveness, honoring the psychological and transformational process, and facilitating deep levels of learning and understanding. Indigenous education specifically focuses on teaching Indigenous knowledge, models, methods, and content within formal or non-formal educational systems.


Traditional education in indigenous societies was family and community-based, grounded in spirituality, and aimed at passing on values, beliefs, customs, and accumulated knowledge and skills.

Indigenous education raises awareness of individual and collective traditions, promoting greater respect for and appreciation of various cultural realities.

In contrast, traditional Western education historically aimed to Christianize and civilize indigenous peoples, often ignoring or minimizing their histories and cultural contributions.

In summary, indigenous education places a strong emphasis on holistic learning, the transmission of indigenous knowledge, and the integration of cultural perspectives, which sets it apart from traditional Western education.

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